
Welcome to the home page for the Byron Howell family.
If you know us, you can use this site to keep in touch.
If you don't know us, we are not sure what you're doing here!
However, perhaps some of the things we find
interesting will also interest you. You are welcome to look around the website
as long as you behave yourself. Just keep in mind that "you get what you pay for!"
Greetings from Papa B & Nettie and their favorite grandkids!
Our granddaughters (Abby, Ellie and Katie) live in Mozambique, Africa, but we speak to them whenever we can and sometimes
use FaceTime to have video sessions with them. Here are the girls with Ethan during a 2012 visit to the USA on furlough.
Emory Winter Howell was born to Aaron and Erin on January 4, 2013. Jeanette ("Nettie") and Byron ("Papa B")
love having a another grandchild to spoil. Grandchildren are a blessing!
In the Spring of 2010, Dr. Byron Howell completed the requirements for a PhD from Northcentral University.
The degree is a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration with a specialization in Management of Engineering and Technology.
The dissertation topic was
"Assessing the Relationship between Ethical Project Management
and IT Project Success." Byron is a Consulting Project Technical Manager for Oracle Corporation and is certified as a PMP
(Project Management Professional) by the Project Management Institute, the world's largest organization of project management professionals.
Andrew served as a youth minister for the Germantown Church of Christ for nearly 6 years. He and his family
are moving to Mobile to work with the Regency Church of Christ.
His wife, Krystle, keeps busy taking care of the guys in her life. She has been very involved in helping Andrew
with church youth activities. They make an effective team as they work with young people
and their families. Andrew and Krystle both are graduates of Harding University. Andrew earned degrees in Bible and Business.
Krystle majored in Interior Design.
Aaron and Erin live in Atlanta.
Erin graduated from Harding University with her MBA and she is a CPA for a small accounting firm in Atlanta.
Erin is also an accomplished photographer. She takes creative portraits and other pictures for special events.
Aaron graduated from Harding University with a double major in Math and Mechanical Engineering and is in
Georgia Tech's PhD program studying mechanical engineering.
Aaron and Erin are enjoying life in Atlanta with their new son, Emory, and their dog, Newton.
Alan, Rachel, Abby and Ellie are a missionary family in Northern Mozambique East Africa. There is a picture of two
big sisters enjoying having their new baby sister home from the hospital.
Katherine (Katie) Joy Howell was born on January 19, 2010. Katie was born in Plano, Texas, where Rachel's parents live.
Hospital conditions in Mozambique are poor, so they came to the United States to have the baby. In early March 2010 they returned to their
home in Mozambique.
Alan and Rachel have been using language skills learned during their Portuguese studies in Lisbon, Portugal.
They also have learned the (rather difficult) local language of the Makua people.
Mozambique is a very poor country and the team has many challenges to overcome. Multiple churches have been planted and nurtured.
Please keep them in your prayers! Alan and Rachel also graduated from Harding University.
Rachel is a registered nurse and Alan has degrees in Bible and Business. In the Spring of 2009 Alan received his M.Div. graduate degree
from the Harding University Graduate School of Religion (now Harding School of Theology).
He has published several times, including an article
in the missionary journal IJFM. Additional information about the missionary team
can be found at the Makua Team website and
more pictures of Alan, Rachel, and the girls can be seen at the
Africa Howells photo gallery and recent information from the mission field can be found at
Alan & Rachel's blog site.
Notes have been posted from several of Byron's Cornerstone Class Bible studies.
One addresses the interesting topic of
divine guidance. How does the Spirit lead us today? Click on
Some Thoughts on Divine Guidance.
Another posting explains why we sing a cappella (vocal music without instruments).
Click on Music in Worship: Where is the Piano?.
Have you read the book written by David Everett Howell, Byron's brother?
It is a Christian fantasy adventure in the tradition of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Ask for SWAN SONGS In Search of the Staffstone
at a bookstore near you or visit
www.amazon.com or www.Xulonpress.com using ISBN 1-597810-02-9.
Maybe you cannot judge a book by its cover, but I think
it is a pretty cool cover. If you know David, you know that he has a vivid imagination and a legendary
sense of humor. David has always been a great storyteller, but I guess
now he has really gone to the birds!

Email to
Alan & Rachel,
